Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Federal Subsidies demolishes little farm in the United State of America.
The smaller farms are simply being push out of the way because the modern practices of technology. Bigger farm have state of art computer, marketing consultants, and farmer who graduated from college. The smaller farms can’t completive in the same play field ,as the opponent next to them. The opponent has bigger machinery , fast techniques, and smarter people by their side. Since smaller farm can’t produced that the same rate there forced to buy more land or lose your land. If smaller farm decide to buy land, it will cost around $4000 to $5000 dollars an acre. That what I called capitalism that’s a total rip off for a acre of land. The government isn’t helping the situation either, there making things worst by handing huge checks to bigger farms. Smaller farms aren’t receiving enough federal aid to run there business. The smaller farms are getting less money due to the fact because they own enough land. ‘’If the purpose of farm policy was to save the family farm and help stabilize rural communities, then it hasn't worked," Oswald said. "What the government is really doing is subsidizing land and assets, not people." / Smaller farms end up owning more money than profiting for themselves. Smaller farms being charged higher rent because owner know they can get more money from the government . ‘’As soon as they figured they could take the payments, they said, 'I don't need you anymore,' " he said. "They were renting me land for $40 an acre, but they could get $125 an acre from the government."/ smaller farms are completive with the government for land . The government prints are own money how can you completive with that.
Uncle Sam is handing out millions of dollars to farmers who don’t apparently have farms. To be a farmer you must own land ,but don’t have to grow any crops on your land. If you own ten acres or more farmer and build a house on one acre than you still receive payments from the government. People like Donald Matthews, Rene Hamman, and many more are receiving thousands of dollars for farm subsides. ‘’In 2004, the property was sold to Shin Shan Chu, an elderly investor who lives in Vancouver, Canada. Once a year, Bailey, who still grows rice on part of the 4,000 acres, cuts a $25,000 check and sends it to Chu, whom he has never met.’’ Owners never seen before receiving $25,000 dollars checks, Is it me or this picture look pretty distorted. This money can go to the farmer in need of aid ,who really producing crop for his/her country instead they give to people who are getting wealth out it.
All I have to say this it sad what’s happening to small farms. Its happening right in front of our faces and nothing is being done about. The government is taking every nickel and dime the poor has to give. I don’t suggest it because one day there going to take it back and its not going to be pretty. Its become a Wal-Mart syndrome where big companies takeover cities. Small companies have to pack there bags and move along. Wal-Mart’s prices are to low to completive with that’s why ,so many consumer shop at Wal-Mart. The same thing is happening to the small farms where they don’t

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