Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Riedl, Brian. Another year at the federal trough: Farm Subsides for the rich, famous, and Elected jumped again in 2002, The heritage foundation, 24 May 2004.
This article has a lot charts showing me percentages that I need.

Edwards, Chris. Downsizing the federal government, Washington Post, June 2009.
This article is useful because real life farmers talk about subsidies.

Gaul, Gilbert. Federal subsidies turn farm into big business, Washington Post, 21 December 2006.
This article informs me with smaller farms being taken advantage of.

Morgan, Dan. Farm program pays $1.3 billion to people who don’t farm, Washington Post, 2 June 2006.
This article has farmers who aren’t really farmers.

Helmers, Gleen. Agricultural subsidies and overweight America, Digital commons, 2005
The article show how obesity is hurting U.S.A

Gonzalez, Sandra. What would happen if federal farm subsides were eliminated, Agricultural and resource economics update, June 2005.
This article shows the affect if farm subsidies were eliminated.

Frydenlund, John. Farm subsidies myth and reality, citizen against government, April 2007.
This article is like myth busters it shows you fact from myth.

Edwards, Chris. Farm subsides at record levels as congress consider new farm bills, Cato, October 2001.
How much spending is done with the new farm bill.

Moyer, Bill. The farm bill debate,, April 2008.
Bill debate what bad about the farm bill.

Turner, Tyler. Economic impacts of federal farm subsidies, our facts your, February 2006.
What will occur in the future with farm bill enonomic.

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